Do You Have Damaged or Just Dry Hair?

For some reason, we equate dry hair with damaged hair. I blame this on the drugstore haircare companies that slap on their shampoos with “For Dry and Damaged Hair”. Dryness and damage are NOT the same!

So let’s break this down.

I see this so often: Client comes in asking for all the dead ends to be cut off.

“Take off the split ends and give me healthy hair,” they say

I run my fingers through their hair and feel a bit of roughness towards the ends, I look closely at the hairs and see zero split ends and no real damage.

“Your hair is not damaged,” I say. “What you’re feeling is dryness.”

“Oh really?”

“Yup. All you need is a small trim and a good moisturizing treatment. You will have to keep up the moisture treatment at home and you’ll get your healthy, luscious hair back in no time.”

Usually there’s a sigh of relief that the hair can be saved!!!

If your hair is dry:

  • Usually, the hair tangles. Not always, because there is healthy hair that just naturally tangles no matter how hydrated it is.

  • It feels rough. A little crispy.

  • The dryness will be on the ends, or mid to ends, because the hair on the bottom is older and tends to get dry over time. Your roots are smooth.

    Remember, the hair on your ends is old hair. It’s been around for anywhere from 2-4 years, depending on how long your hair is. Naturally, it’s going to be drier than the rest.

If your hair is damaged:

  • You have had some chemical processing done - blonding, perming, or chemical straightening. The damage from these processes is called chemical damage.

  • You’ve used a lot of hot tools. Think: flat ironing. This is called heat damage.

  • The hair will not be straight, but more wiry looking.

  • If you straighten or use hot tools, the hair may smoke.

  • You will clearly see split ends.

Dry hair can lead to split ends, because once the hair is dry for long periods of time with no real treatment, it begins to “crack”.

In that case I would say you have dry hair with a bit of damage.

Always have your hair properly “diagnosed” by a stylist. A good stylist will tell you what is really happening with your hair and what you need to do to repair it.

What do do if you have dry hair:

  • Ask for an in-salon moisture treatment. They are very potent, and usually last up to 8 weeks, depending how much you wash your hair. Kerastase, Kevin Murphy and Redken are great.

  • Take home a dry hair regimen: shampoo, conditioner, and a masque that you use weekly until you see visible results. Ever since I started using Hairstory New Wash, I haven’t needed anything else.

    I highly recommend you get yourself an Original formula. Get 15% off your first order here.

  • Use a leave-in treatment like Hair Balm for extra hydration.

  • Use a serum like Hairstory Hair Oil to seal in the split ends and add shine.

Many times I will do the treatment for my client, and then cut the hair. This way I can see what actually needs to be taken off, since the treatment heals so much of the dryness.

What do do if you have damaged hair:

  • Ask for an in-salon repairing treatment.

  • Stop using hot tools.

  • If you must, use your hairdryer on low-heat setting.

  • Use a strong heat protectant.

  • Stop lightening your hair. Toner is fine - it actually seals damage and makes hair healthier.

  • Take home a repairing treatment that uses protein: shampoo, conditioner, and a repairing masque.

  • Use a leave-in repairing, protein-based, styling cream.

  • Continue to get your hair trimmed until all damage is gone.


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