5 Hair Growth Facts You Need to Know

Let’s bust some myths, shall we? I’ve combined a list of hair facts everyone should know about hair growth and hair loss. In this video, we talk about Biotin for hair growth, traction alopecia, using Rogain (or Minoxidil) for hair growth; and much more.

There will always be more facts to share and hair myths to bust, so stay tuned and subscribe to the channel if you’d like to learn more about your hair.

  1. Supplements only work if you’re deficient in them

We always hear about Biotin, collagen, and zinc for hair growth. But the truth is that these supplements only work if you are deficient in that vitamin. Taking Biotin on its own without having your blood work done first is futile. Don’t waste your money.

I recommend you get your blood work done first so you can know what you’re deficient in, and then supplement that whether through over-the-counter supplements from your drugstore or through diet.

2. Cutting your hair makes it grow faster

I think most of us know by now that cutting your hair won’t literally make it grow. HowEVER, getting regular trims ensures that any dry ends and split ends won’t move up the hair shaft and end up breaking off. Hair breakage is a real thing and in addition to regular trims you should be using some good leave-ins and repairing products.

3. Dry shampoo is not bad for your hair

Recently dry shampoo has gotten a bad rap because a bunch of major companies recalled their dry shampoo for having butane. All aerosols have butane in them. Hairstory doesn’t use aerosols, which is why I love this brand so much and is all I use in the salon.

Dry shampoo won’t cause hair loss on its own. The problem with over-using dry shampoo is that you can have layers and layers on your scalp that will prevent new hair from growing. Using a clarifying shampoo once a week is key to keeping your scalp healthy and allow for healthy hair growth.

4. Traction alopecia can cause permanent hair loss

Whenever you wear your hair up in a tight ponytail a la Ariana Grande, or in cornrows, the pull from the hair at your root can cause permanent damage to the follicle and eventually hair loss. If you decide to wear your hair tight, make sure you balance it out by letting it down every once in a while.

5. Rogaine or Minoxidil is not a hair loss cure

Sorry, I know you don’t want to hear this one. If you’re experiencing hair loss and Minoxidil is what you’re reaching for to keep your hair healthy and hairloss at bay, just know that it is a temporary solution. Rogaine can re-grow hair by stimulating the follicle. It can give you back the hair you lost around your crown or your hairline, but it’s not a permanent solution. Genetics are very powerful and will eventually take over. Once you stop using it, the hair will continue to shed.


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